Resolving OpenInsight "Unable to load language resource dll!" Launch Error
Launching OpenInsight oinsight.exe sometimes displays an Application Manager error 'Unable to load language resource dll!'. The error occurs when the oilangenu.dll file can't be loaded or is missing.
During a recent troubleshooting session with a client the error started appearing on a workstation that had previously been functioning normally. After extensive troubleshooting it was revealed that Windows Defender had been re-enabled and based on experiential evidence was blocking oinsight.exe from loading the oilangenu.dll.
The Windows Defender logs showed no issues with the file or blocked attempts to access the file yet stopping the Windows Defender service immediately allowed OpenInsight to launch. Why Windows Defender was blocking access to the file only on this specific workstation remains a mystery due to lack of available diagnostic information from Windows Defender. Since the workstation already has a professional security suite installed Windows Defender will remain disabled.
Over the years this error has sporadically popped up on various workstations in different environments. Attempts to establish the root cause have lead to various explanations. If disabling Windows Defender doesn't fix the issue also check:
- Oilangenu.dll exists in the root OpenInsight directory.
- NTFS permissions on oilangenu.dll allow the user account read access.
- Other installed security software isn't blocking access.
- Check the support forums
Comments (2)
Thanks! Very helpful information. Saved the day for me.
That finally resolved our issue! Thank you very much!
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