Creating Self-Signed SSL Certificates with Subject Alternative Name and Install as Trusted Certificate

Using IIS's 'Create Self-Signed Certificate' tool no longer generates a certificate that can be fully trusted by Chrome when installed as a trusted certificate.Chrome 58 and later requires a certificate to have a subject alternative name. These steps walk through generating and installing a self-signed certificate that can be fully trusted by chrome.

Create Self-Signed Certificate with Subject Alternative Name

1. Install OpenSSL for Windows if not already installed.

Bootstrap Theme Errors in Drupal 8.3

When using the Drupal 8.3 Bootstrap theme if you enable "Rebuild the theme registry on every page load" in /admin/config/development/devel your page may fail to load with the error:

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

If you check the watchdog logs the following error appears:

Error: Class 'Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap' not found in include_once() (line 30 of web/themes/contrib/bootstrap/bootstrap.theme)

Finding OpenInsight Table Used by Forms

If you have databound forms in OpenInsight and want to locate the forms bound to that table you can quickly find them with this query:


The result is a list of forms bound to the table.

What if you don't have a databound form? You can widen the search using this query:


The query searches the entire form for the occurence of the table name. It does this by using the built-in field ALL which represents the entire record.

Windows Shell Run Method from OpenInsight

Here is a useful code example showing how to call the Windows shell run method to open any document that is registered with an application. If the file isn't registered whit an application Windows will prompt to select the application using the same dialog that would normally appear when you double click an unrecognized file.


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Congruity Service is a technology solutions company bringing the best technology solutions to OpenInsight projects, Drupal sites, servers, networks, and your technology needs.