Commuter Module Snippet

OpenInsight contains a commuter module generator to create a shell program capable of handling window events. It doesn't work so well in OpenInsight 9.4 so below is a basic version generated from the commuter module generator that can be easily customized for your window.

Automatically Position OpenInsight Debugger Windows

The OpenInsight debugger window automatically retains the last position of its various windows it's easy for them to get rearranged during use and by connecting through remote desktop. This blog article contains a utility to automatically position the contents of the debugger.

Running OEngineServer Service in Debug Mode

When working with the OpenInsight OEngineServer windows service it's often useful to run it from the console in debug mode to catpure any messages displayed by the engine or view the debugger window. The following BAT file helps automate the process of starting and stopping OEngine at the console.

  • Fix OEngineServer Service Error 1067: The Process Terminated Unexpectedly

    When starting the OpenInsight OEngineServer service if the error message "Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly." appears one probable cause is the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) isn't properly installed or Java.exe isn't in the system path. The OEngineServer service relies on OESocketServer.jar which requires the JRE to operate. 

    The JRE often prompts for updates and a failed update can leave the JRE in a damaged state or completely uninstalled which prevents the OEngineServer from starting.


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    Congruity Service is a technology solutions company bringing the best technology solutions to OpenInsight projects, Drupal sites, servers, networks, and your technology needs.